Mental Health Resources in California



Anthony Roadman

American River College

Geography 350: Data Acquisition in GIS

Spring 2008




With a goal to achieve attainable resources and an excellence in education for consumers of mental health resources, the California Institute for Mental health is on the forefront of making these goals viable to Californians through the establishment and coordination of programs in public and private organizations and institutions.




The California Institute for Mental Health (CiMH) was established in 1993 with the intent to "promote excellence in mental health services through training, technical assistance, research and policy development." It was the specific intent of the local mental health directors who founded CiMH that CiMH would work collaboratively with all mental health system stakeholders. The commitment to collaboration has led the board to reorganize itself, expanding board membership to include consumers, family members, and other interested persons representing the public interest.


This paper focuses on the resources that have been organized to help stakeholders continue to work and develop themselves with the support of a collaborative mental health system with in the state of California.





An initial map of Californian and its counties was created to host different layers depending on the needs of the departments. 


The California Counties Map by Mental Health Regions was recreated from a print out of an older version so that layers could be added, removed, regions could be rezoned, or any other facet that was desired.


The Resource Location map, data provided me in and Excel spread sheet allowed to edit the data were needed and then Geocode the addresses of the resource locations against a street layer of California, which plotted a graphic at each location.


The data for the College and University maps was downloaded form the U.S. Geological Survey website.  The data was provided in a delimitated file that was opened and separated in Excel.  The coordinates provided where in a latitude and longitude format and were converted to degrees, minutes, and seconds to allow a plot of the XY coordinates form the attributes table.





California is divided into five regions allowing various CIMH programs to meet and disseminate information as it pertains to mental health policy, practice, and training.


The following map shows resource locations throughout the counties.  Counties that do not display resource locations may either be in partnership with neighboring counties or use a central office with in a specified county.  Some resource locations are responsible for multiple counties, regions, or even the entire state.


On program in progress is determining the various types and locations of educational programs specific to mental health California’s colleges and Universities.  Presently the locations of each institution are being mapped and are then being assigned identifiers to indicate any and all programs they possess.  Some institutions are categorizes as colleges and universities and therefore appear on both maps.








In the short time CIMH has been created, significant strides have been made in the area of mental health for the well being of California’s citizens.  In conjunction with the California Mental Health Directors Association, the rights and well being of Californians will continue to be protected through legislation, training, and education.



Paul Veisze